Love letter # 22

There may well be a god – I cannot know – or some grand purpose may well have been assigned. This would be news to me. People talk about life lessons, about meant to be; but I do not claim to understand these things.

What is it that I am supposed to know…other than to love you? Tell me what higher thing there is. If this world is a machine, and we are just genes, and everything beautiful is an illusion – stupid me. I am still a believer.

I am no saint, no seer, just a man who loves you; and I have nothing more to give than this. It may not be wisdom – and it is surely not riches – but like the rain…it can bring flowers.


One response to “Love letter # 22”

  1. wow. the expression in this is beatiful! i write a lot about god, maybe not visibly but subconsciously. we are all searching for one and in love we find two: we learn that we mean the world to a person and they mean the same to us. bravo! made me think. again. the heartfelt beauty of “What is it that I am supposed to know, other than to love you?” is striking. keep writing! (: xx


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