Category: Sorry

  • Love letter # 678

    We are never so alone as when we impose loneliness on ourselves. As we have done with our various refusals. It took a moment of magic to bring us together, but that was followed by a marathon of detail, a slow adding up of insistence. Now here we are. Stranded. With our clutter and our…

  • Love letter # 923

    Zooming out from the grit of specifics, from the aggravated dramas of relationship, all contention dissolves. All claims, all theories, all righteous insistence. At a certain remove there is only love. Like an ocean, or all of time. Perspective, absolution. The beauty of irrelevance. I ask only your forgiveness for my inevitable shortfall. When next…

  • Love letter # 578

    You ask me why, knowing there is no ready answer. These things are not rational. There is no checklist. Love is not given as a prize, nor as a reward for effort. I realise this sounds harsh – evasive – for I have been you more often than not. I have longed for, courted, endeavoured…

  • Love letter # 610

    I have been a selfish lover. Sorry I did not realise it sooner. I genuinely thought I was being sensitive. Attentive. Inventive. Perhaps to some degree I was, but I see now that the focus has always been on my own pleasure first. In effect, I have not been a fully present partner, and I…

  • Love letter # 604

    They will not love you. They do not know how. Not like you would prefer. I say this to myself to make it better. For me, but also for you. Because I do not wish to resent you. There is little point, and you do not deserve it. My asking never implied your acceptance. I…

  • Love letter # 516

    It’s true, I look at couples and see us. And there is a fracture in my heart. Hairline, but there. Like you once were. Before I chose. Of course I wonder; did I chase one thing and end up with another. Is this the mirage of my longing? I wanted this – whatever this is…

  • Love letter # 519

    Please wait, you said…and in the ark of patience I loved you…until the distance became just that…a space beyond traversing…and then another, a fire closer than hope and memory. Please forgive me…I failed the test of time and distance…looking across the chasm of waiting…desire dissolving in increments to a numb new reality…my head finally turned…wishing…

  • Love letter # 616

    “I’m not opposed.” you said. How was I meant to proceed after that? Sure, it was consent, an allowance, but it wasn’t even lust, let alone love. I had courted you, and in the process my desire had deepened beyond affection and into genuine care. And then…a first kiss. My body and heart on fire.…

  • Love letter # 472

    Did I try to change you? I should not have. They were my bruises.

  • Love letter # 355

    Now, with all these years between, it finally becomes clear why I was drawn to you and why my actions were misguided. You had a fire in you; and so did I. But I tried to smother mine. Was it because I thought that’s what you wanted – an anchor of sorts? A counterpoint? Someone…

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